Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Boohoo Wishlist !

Hi guys :)

Soooo it's two days until payday and I feel like I'm literally near death because I haven't bought anything new in weeks :( so obviously I tortured myself and trawled through Boohoo and found loads of things I like, but still can't order until Friday so I thought I'd share them all with you!

1. Floral skater dress - £20 - I absolutely love anything floral, I'm like a granny, I'd happily wear this dress on a summers day or an evening out with some accessories.

2. Lorenah vintage floral heart bag - £18.00 - Such a cute thing! Just absolutely love it so much and think it would make a plain outfit a lot nicer.

3. Nina thick link necklace - Gold - £8.00 - I already have a gold chain necklace but it's a lot chunkier then this and shorter so I really want a long one to wear on a daily basis.

4. Jessica skater skirt - Lilac - £12.00 - I've bought skater dresses before and think they really suit my body shape so this skirt is perfect, especially the colour, I love lilac at the minute! It also comes in tomato, sugar coral, denim blue and black.

5. Peter pan playsuit - £25 - I only bought a couple of play suits last year for summer but thought they were so nice, I feel a lot more comfortable having the shorts on the bottom rather then a skirt and again it's good for day or nightwear, I especially like the lacy neck area.

6. Imani structured satchel - Tan - £30.00 - I need a new day bag and this one looks perfect, I used to have a tan coloured bag from New Look and I literally used it everyday for months on end until the handle nearly fell off, so I love this !

7. Evie - Love on toast - £3.00 - Don't even need this but awh! I love toast and this would make breakfast time more fun printing onto it.

8. Nicola leopard lightning bolt earrings - Brown - £8.00 - Earrings are my favourite accessories and leopard is one of my favourite prints so I will definitely be getting these lovely things.

I love looking at peoples wishlists and seeing what other people like at the moment so if you have one then leave your link below and I'll check it out :)
thanks for reading!

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Sunday Reviews.

Hi guys :)

A few posts back I mentioned that I had been using the 'Lee Stafford-for hair that doesn't grow past a certain length treatment', the pot looks like this

I've actually finished the pot now and waiting to be paid again to buy some more because I really loved it! I honestly do think it's brilliant stuff, my hair is shinier, softer and all round just feels a lot healthier, I made a promise to myself to not dye my hair anymore and just use this all the time so I'd have some length in my hair for the summer and so far it's going well. Other bloggers that I've seen that used this product also gave it a really good review, so it's definitely worth buying if you want your hair to grow a bit more. It is eight pounds for each tub though which is a bit expensive, I wouldn't normally spend that much but I'm glad I did in the end. Apparently there's also a shampoo and conditioner that you're meant to use alongside this which helps, so as soon as I get some money I'll be buying both of those. Have any of you guys tried it before? and what did you think?

Also recently I've been really good at keeping my nails painted, I normally do them on a Friday to go with my outfit of that evening. This weekend I did black with a blue/silver glitter over the top.

As you can see the black is by Rimmel, it's number 080 and it's called 'Black Cab' I've actually had this nail varnish for ages and it hasn't even slightly dried up so I'm happy about that. The blue glitter one is from H&M, cost me £3.00 and is called 'Blue Bliss' I bought this over the Christmas period because during December as soon as I saw something with glitter in it, I had to have it, I went glitter mad!

I've been putting this over the top of a solid colour as it is transparent, but it was really good for the money. 

Hope you've all had a good weekend! :)

Monday, 21 January 2013

January bits and pieces.

Hi guys!

I've recently moved house and only just got the internet back so I've spent the last few hours looking through everyone's blogs and catching up on Youtubers that I am subscribed too :)

I thought I'd show you a few little goodies I've got recently which to be honest isn't a lot as I got no money for Christmas this year and my wages from work were really stretched this month, booo!

First thing I got was this dress from 

I liked it as soon as I saw it because of the cut out bits on the front and back, it's such a simple black dress but these really make it stand out, more so when you actually have it on. It just has plain white buttons from the waist bit right upto the neck. The collar then has tiny gold studs going all the way round which I also love!

There's a closer look at the cut out back bit, it was in the sales for just £18.00 which is great! Although when I got it there was only a few sizes left so I'm not sure what they'll have left now.

Next thing were this belt and bag both from Primark.

I actually bought these the day after my dress arrived as accessories for it. I think they both matched well as they were the same colours and the bag has studs all over it. I've needed a new going out bag for ages anyway and thought this one was perfect, it was only £8.00 and it's just the right size, I don't like having tiny bags to take out and I can't deal with clutches cos I hate having to hold something all night long so a long handle is a necessity for me. 

Here's a closer look at the detailing on the belt, a cute little skull with a chain! This was £4.00 and I got it in a size small/medium but I still had to cut a new hole in it to make it that little bit tighter and I haven't even got a tiny waist so I would recommend maybe trying it on in the shop first, unlike me as the sizing is very generous. I bought this just to pop on with the dress to add a bit more detail to it.

Next is velvet leggings from New Look 

Now when it comes to velvet I really, really love the look of it, but I literally cannot stand the feel, so literally even buying these, as I stood in the queue I was like, what am I even doing?! But I braved it and got them anyway haha. These were reduced to £12.00 and they are really good quality so I'm very happy with them (even if I can't touch my own legs while I have them on)

and finally I bought a pair of black brogues.

These were £19.99 from New Look and are my new favourite thing to wear on my feet as they go with literally anything! They've got some studded detail down the side and on the front and are the comfiest thing's I've bought in ages. I bought some brown brogues months ago and wore them to death so now it's their turn.

I do apologise about the quality of these pictures because I know it's awful! But at the minute I only have a webcam or my Blackberry to use as my camera has finally packed up completely :(

If you got any goodies in the January sale and have blogged about it then leave your link below and I'll check it out!

Thanks for reading,
Jenner xo.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

New Video - What's in my handbag!

My new video.

'What's in my handbag'
Go check it out or if you have any videos similair to this let me know and I'll go and have a look :)

Jenner xo.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

2013 Early Wishlist.

We've only just had Christmas and I already want loads of things! I'm so poor at the minute though :(

1. HTC Phone - I've had a Blackberry for ages now and it's possibly one of the worst phones I've ever had, An HTC just seems so perfect for me and everything I want in a phone.

2. Lauren Pope hair extensions. I follow her on Twitter and all the people that comment about her extensions say that they're so nice, really really want some !

3. Primark super cosy tights. In everybodys winter videos they've been saying how good these are, probably the only thing on this list I could actually afford right now haha.

4. Topshop Wolf Collar Tops. Really like wearing shirts at the minute and these would look so good on a shirt of any colour just to bling it up a bit!

5. Revlon Colourburst lipstick in plum. I've only ever worn a dark lipstick for Halloween but really liked it. I normally only buy shades of pink and red for going out but want to try this.

Going to save up and get all of these things ! Except the phone maybe ;)
Hope everyone had a good New Years!

Jenner xo.