Thursday, 3 January 2013

2013 Early Wishlist.

We've only just had Christmas and I already want loads of things! I'm so poor at the minute though :(

1. HTC Phone - I've had a Blackberry for ages now and it's possibly one of the worst phones I've ever had, An HTC just seems so perfect for me and everything I want in a phone.

2. Lauren Pope hair extensions. I follow her on Twitter and all the people that comment about her extensions say that they're so nice, really really want some !

3. Primark super cosy tights. In everybodys winter videos they've been saying how good these are, probably the only thing on this list I could actually afford right now haha.

4. Topshop Wolf Collar Tops. Really like wearing shirts at the minute and these would look so good on a shirt of any colour just to bling it up a bit!

5. Revlon Colourburst lipstick in plum. I've only ever worn a dark lipstick for Halloween but really liked it. I normally only buy shades of pink and red for going out but want to try this.

Going to save up and get all of these things ! Except the phone maybe ;)
Hope everyone had a good New Years!

Jenner xo.

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