Wednesday, 19 December 2012

First Post Nerves


So realised recently that as I have so much spare time on my hands all I've been doing is watching Youtube video Hauls and following peoples lives through their blogs, so I thought I may as well join in!

Only bought a few things recently but thought I'll tell you what I think of them:

'No7 Stay Perfect Primer - £12.50 - Boots'
I spoke to my best friend about this  Alexandra Dean as I told her that my make up kept slipping off during the day, she did actually recommend a different make I think, but on the day I went into town the lady in Boots took me to this one and I gave it a try and it actually does work really well, I normally only wear it under my foundation for nights out and it does make my face look, on the whole a lot nicer and it lasts.

'Lee Stafford for hair that never grows past a certain length treatment - £7.99 - Boots'

I actually first saw this on a Youtube video that Helon 'Melon Lady' did and I instantly though this is what I need for sure! I cut my hair short for the first time ever at the beginning of 2012 where one side was almost shaved and since then it seems to be taking forever to grow, it's only just long enough to tie up now and as my hair's so thin it frustrates me so much! I've been using it for about a week and a half now so hopefully I'll get some results from this :)

'Toni&Guy Cleanse Dry Shampoo'
Now I actually got this free from work as I work for Unilever and this is one of their products, so I'm not sure of the price or anything, but dry shampoo is always cheap enough to buy and so handy!
When I've had it before I normally buy the Batiste  Brand and I always thought it had quite a strong smell to it which i didn't particularly like but this one is pretty much odourless and it does the job. In my job I get to wear a rad cap all day so when I finish if i need to pop out somewhere and I don't have the chance to wash my hair in-between this is perfect to spruce it up a bit.


Finally here are a few things I've treated myself to recently:

'White rabbit nightlight - £3.99 - '
'Berry coloured disco pants - £10 - Boohoo ' 

'Crowned pig phone case - £1.99 - ebay '

So that's literally everything from recent times, but with Christmas in just under a week I'm sure there'll be other goodies to show you very soon,

thanks for reading :)

Jenner xo


  1. Least you thought about my recommendation! Your piggy phone case is so cute as well, as if it was only £2!x

  2. Hey can't find your follow button am I being stupid I love your blog pop over to mine sometime xxx

  3. Hi Nicole I didn't have one to start with aha, my friend had to help me sort everything out but done it now :) x
