Sunday, 30 December 2012

First ever Youtube video.

Here's my first ever Youtube video, talking about my Christmas prezzies, go have a look and hopefully you'll like it and start subscribing :)

Jenner xo.

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Christmas Haul!


Thought I'd update you all as we've all had Christmas now and show you a few of the thing that I got, my friends were very generous this year and I feel so lucky! I hope you all enjoyed the day as much as I did :)

Here's me wearing some of my new clothes including a black blazer from H&M which was £19.99. I've wanted a blazer for ages as I go out quite a lot and don't really like taking my coat out with me, so this is definitely going to come in handy ! Also a white vest top with a floral cross on it, found that in the New Look sale reduced to £7, it's so cute and quite long so can get away with wearing just leggings under it.

Here's all the main beauty things I got, my friend Alex bought me some new hair straighteners as mine have decided to have a mental spazz and turn themselves off whenever they feel like it. I've never actually heard of the make 'Carmen' but they work brilliantly so far! My mum bought me a necklace and earrings, I'm really into gold things at the moment so I was pleased about those gifts. Another thing I'm looking forward to using is the 'Mark Hill colour hydration bomb' as I dye my hair every couple of months I feel like it never has time to recover so I'm hoping this will do something lovely to my hair!

My friend Ben works at Neal's Yard and sells lots of products that are meant to be organic and good for your body/skin/hair. He got me a rose and geranium body polish,a geranium and orange shower gel anddd a rose and geranium body lotion. They all smell so nice but so far I've only used the shower gel which was a nice change as I normally just buy the imperial leather body washes.

Alex got me this Revlon lipstick it's called 'Cupcake' and it's so nice! I wore it last night when I went out for a bit of a boogie and it lasted so well considering I was drinking throughout the night as well. I have quite dry lips but this was quite like creamy and just was amazing. Definitely would recommend Revlon lipsticks to anyone!

I actually went to Alex's on Christmas day so we could exchange presents and she gave me this as an extra prezzie as she was going to take it back if I didn't have it. It's £12.00 from Primark. It's just a pink shirt with gold buttons all down the front and on each cuff, but the back changes, it has like a flowery see through thing going on, which I think is so nice. I've tried to fold it in the picture so you can see both sides.

And finally my brother bought me this door mat. I love owls! and he kept saying to me "one of your presents you won't be able to use until you have your own place but you'll love it" which is so true haha. It's so nice I just want my own place to put it down!

That's all of my main things I wanted to share with you, so thanks for reading :)
Jenner xo

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Payday Weekend.


So it's Christmas eve, eve and I've got everybody's presents sorted!


Treated myself to a few things in the sale :)

The skull dress is from H&M and I basically just wanted something new to wear on nights out and thought it would look nice with the blazer in the bottom picture and a pair of tights. Got the lilac beanie and the pastel coloured jumper from there as well, the jumper was reduced to ten pounds which was really good and they had a few other colours there as well. Then black pumps with skulls on were from Primark, they are really cute and they had some the same as that either with an anchor on or a moustache which were nice as well and finally the smallest wedges ever ! I'm the worst person when it comes to any kind of heels or wedges I just can't walk in them at all but these are great and so so comfy! They were from River Island reduced to £12 such a bargain and they also had some plain black ones which had lace all over them.

I got these as well, the Rimmel liquid eyeliner I always buy in black. When I go out I don't wear a lot of make-up to be honest simply because I wouldn't even know where to start but I always feel weird if I'm not wearing this. I'd recommend it to anyone. The Carmex lip balm I bought last minute as it was on a stand near the tills. I've known friends to use it but never tried it as I normally buy Vaseline if I want a bit of shine on my lips. I've used it a couple of times already and I don't really like it, it said it would soothe your lips but if anything it burnt as soon as I put it on, so don't think I'll be buying this again.

Finally a picture of me and my bestie Layla before we went out last night.
Ended up in a chavvy nightclub but I had such a good night :)

thanks for reading,
Jenner xo

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Busy before Christmas.


So I feel like I've had a busy day today, or more like had a lot of things to take pictures of aha,
Went to work all day and had to go straight to the dentist, sat awkwardly near some teenagers so me and my brother started taking pictures of ourselves in the ceiling.

Then when we got back my brother showed me his Christmas gifts from his girlfriend including this creepy Justin Bieber mask.

I'm staying out tomorrow night so I've gotta pack a night bag to stay at my friends Layla's, we're partying as well so chose a day and night outfit, day outfit includes my burgundy bobble hat, possibly the only thing I like about winter is hats and my evening outfit has my disco pants which are another favourite of mine atm.

Also my new phone case came that I put up in my last post and it's so cuteee :)

Probably won't be on until Sunday now as it's payday tomorrow as well so buying the last few prezzies for people and sorting them out.
So excited to be spending Christmas with friends this year, just gonna slob out all day and feel Christmassy <3

Jenner xo

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

First Post Nerves


So realised recently that as I have so much spare time on my hands all I've been doing is watching Youtube video Hauls and following peoples lives through their blogs, so I thought I may as well join in!

Only bought a few things recently but thought I'll tell you what I think of them:

'No7 Stay Perfect Primer - £12.50 - Boots'
I spoke to my best friend about this  Alexandra Dean as I told her that my make up kept slipping off during the day, she did actually recommend a different make I think, but on the day I went into town the lady in Boots took me to this one and I gave it a try and it actually does work really well, I normally only wear it under my foundation for nights out and it does make my face look, on the whole a lot nicer and it lasts.

'Lee Stafford for hair that never grows past a certain length treatment - £7.99 - Boots'

I actually first saw this on a Youtube video that Helon 'Melon Lady' did and I instantly though this is what I need for sure! I cut my hair short for the first time ever at the beginning of 2012 where one side was almost shaved and since then it seems to be taking forever to grow, it's only just long enough to tie up now and as my hair's so thin it frustrates me so much! I've been using it for about a week and a half now so hopefully I'll get some results from this :)

'Toni&Guy Cleanse Dry Shampoo'
Now I actually got this free from work as I work for Unilever and this is one of their products, so I'm not sure of the price or anything, but dry shampoo is always cheap enough to buy and so handy!
When I've had it before I normally buy the Batiste  Brand and I always thought it had quite a strong smell to it which i didn't particularly like but this one is pretty much odourless and it does the job. In my job I get to wear a rad cap all day so when I finish if i need to pop out somewhere and I don't have the chance to wash my hair in-between this is perfect to spruce it up a bit.


Finally here are a few things I've treated myself to recently:

'White rabbit nightlight - £3.99 - '
'Berry coloured disco pants - £10 - Boohoo ' 

'Crowned pig phone case - £1.99 - ebay '

So that's literally everything from recent times, but with Christmas in just under a week I'm sure there'll be other goodies to show you very soon,

thanks for reading :)

Jenner xo