Thursday, 20 December 2012

Busy before Christmas.


So I feel like I've had a busy day today, or more like had a lot of things to take pictures of aha,
Went to work all day and had to go straight to the dentist, sat awkwardly near some teenagers so me and my brother started taking pictures of ourselves in the ceiling.

Then when we got back my brother showed me his Christmas gifts from his girlfriend including this creepy Justin Bieber mask.

I'm staying out tomorrow night so I've gotta pack a night bag to stay at my friends Layla's, we're partying as well so chose a day and night outfit, day outfit includes my burgundy bobble hat, possibly the only thing I like about winter is hats and my evening outfit has my disco pants which are another favourite of mine atm.

Also my new phone case came that I put up in my last post and it's so cuteee :)

Probably won't be on until Sunday now as it's payday tomorrow as well so buying the last few prezzies for people and sorting them out.
So excited to be spending Christmas with friends this year, just gonna slob out all day and feel Christmassy <3

Jenner xo

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